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Fresh Passion – Get A Brand or Die A Generic®

Fresh Passion - "Get A Brand Or Die A Generic"

The number one reason why peopled don’t achieve maximum personal, professional and economic success is because they are too generic. In an era of economic uncertainty, layoffs, and hiring freezes, creating and promoting a top-flight personal brand that stands out in the crowd is more important than ever. The Fresh Passion methodology shows you how build a personal brand that will maximize your potential and help you to achieve success beyond your dreams in whatever field you choose. Whether you are an executive, an entrepreneur, a tradesperson, an educator, a student, or a member of any other vocation, Fresh Passion is the pathway to outperform and outshine your peers and competitors and obtain the professional, economic and personal rewards you deserve.

Michael D. Brown Global Management Expert • Author • Speaker • Coach


Michael D. Brown is a sought-after speaker, Global management expert, and author of Fresh Passion: Get A Brand or Die A Generic, Fresh Customer Service®: Treat the Employee as #1 and the Customer as #2 and You Will Get Customers for Life and Fresh Passion Leadership: Become a Distinct, Branded Leader or Extinct Generic.

Michael has motivated and helped thousands of entrepreneurs, military personnel, individuals, college students, graduates, small business owners, and entrepreneurs move from a stage of generic mediocrity to an exciting place where they become successful personal brands that yields exponential personal economic and professional success. His signature work Fresh Passion: Get a Brand or Die a Generic is the catalyst for helping individuals make the transformation and achieving world-class success.